Fwd: some etudes for process germ bank Alter-Eco Prototyping Social Forms reverb

Dear Everyone,

Looking forward to seeing what seeds people come up with for this process germ bank…

Here are some germs called "etudes” that I’d like to enter into the process germ bank

Improvisational Environments Etudes

Lighting and Rhythm Etudes

The seeds are for sharing.

Apologies in advance — I will start the recording for our work session today but must leave early to take care of family…
Muindi, may I pass the baton to you for hosting this session today and finishing the recording?

Take care,
Xin Wei
On Nov 29, 2020, at 4:00 PM, Muindi F Muindi <muindi@uw.edu> wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks again for joining in the Alter-Eco/PSF reverb discussions that have taken place since November 2nd. Some of us are preparing some "process germs" to share with the group in response to our last discussion, but I don't think that these are ready yet. Thus, this week, I think we could discuss some potential texts to collaborate on and that we would feature on the Alter-Eco/PSF website alongside those "process germs" that can be dispersed digitally (again, as we discussed, some "process germs" that we are imagining can only be dispersed experientially or materially).

Below are links to some of texts written in response to the Alter-Eco/PSF sessions this past summer. Feel free to briefly skim them, but note that we do not need to draw from them.