Initial invitation Building21 McGill: Prototyping Social Forms

Dear Building21 / McGill + Synthesis / ASU Friends of Prototyping Social Forms

I’d like to meet with folks who are interested in prototyping social forms either by bringing a resonating project to be deepened and amplified, or collaborating on one of Synthesis’ on-going streams such as a global connectivity cafe, or movement-based games (playgrounds). 

Sophie Strassmann and Cordelia Dingle are organizing dinners that may draw overlapping circles of people at , 
so may I suggest we organize a common dinner for local folks the week Feb 24-28, 

and afternoon discussions at that week that can include non-local folks via zoom | Skype | zoom. 

Thanks to Sophie for volunteering to help organize the communications and gatherings at McGill — everyone is welcome !

Some dimensions of this will remain academic, but some projects will be opportunities for more public impact.

Nonlocal folks may beam in via my zoom room for video conference .

Here’s an abstract …

Synthesis@ASU: Prototyping Social Forms

The social, economic, and ecological challenges we face are “wicked problems”, resistant to problem-solving approaches.  Divide and conquer approaches to a wicked problem can produce more wicked problems.  The only way to test an approach is to try it “for real”.   Indeed, people with incommensurate values addressing a complex situation like climate change or urban energy practices will reasonably disagree on what is the right thing to do.  And adding facts or data is unlikely to move the conversation.

Synthesis ateliers bring together individuals’ and business’ power to act in the world in a sandbox where impacted people, designers, expert makers, and decision-makers jointly re-imagine and assess social forms.  We build a knowledge enterprise for prototyping at lifescale the lived, whole experience of places, events, or infrastructures.  Combining artistic and engineering techniques for creating augmented experiences, we can prototype homes, streets, parks and playgrounds, together with finance, governance, energy systems to the degree needed to get a sense of what it would be like to actually live with those forms.   Using experiential methodologies the Synthesis ateliers will non-reductively and adaptively assess how people experience technologies, products, services in plausible, live social settings.

Projects range from urban heat infrastructures and steerable weather simulations to movement-based responsive environments, and mating “cafe tables” between Montreal and Phoenix. 

Since we’re all so dispersed, I’ve taken the liberty to invite you

Adrita Khan
Anita Parmar
Brandon Mechtley*
Cordelia Dingle
Damian Arteca
Erik Bordeleau**
Gabriele Carotti-Sha**
Garrett L Johnson*
Matthew Morvan
Rebecca Brosseau
Shomit Barua*
Sha Xin Wei*
Sophie Strassmann
Stanzi Vaubel
Sha Xin Wei*
Todd Ingalls*
Yanjun Lyu*
Yves Abanda

— of course, you’re welcome to unsubscribe anytime :)

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Sha Xin Wei • Professor + Director School of Arts, Media and Engineering • Synthesis 
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts + Fulton Schools of Engineering • ASU
Senior Fellow Building21 McGill • Fellow ASU-Santa Fe Center for Biosocial Complex Systems • Learning Alliance
Professor European Graduate School • Associate Editor AI & Society Journal • Founding Director Topological Media Lab