Muindi F Muindi: recordings, next PSF Jan 4, 2021!

Thanks for leading off the meeting and for facilitating the recording, Xin Wei. And thanks to Desiree and Dulmini for the great conversation. 

A scheduling question, with quarters/semesters ending and the holiday season upon us, shall we hold off on meeting till Monday, January 4th, at 12PM EST

In the meantime, there could be some sharing of "process germs" and framing texts via email/Slack.

Finally, Xin Wei, I think the phrase "holding intentions light-ly" is quite fitting and fun to pun. All are welcome to diffract, refract, reflect, and transduce the expressed intentions as is their wont.

Date: Nov 16, 2020 09:59 AM Arizona
Access Passcode: psf2020!

Date: Nov 30, 2020 09:51 AM Arizona
Access Passcode: psf2020!
